Mr. Victor M. Gresham

"As For Me And My House We Will Serve The Lord."

Joshua 24:15  (Last Part)


A Two (2) Volume Autobiography

Volume #1 

A Character Witness Protected By The Heavenly Courts.

Volume #2

A Character Witness Testifies On Behalf Of The Heavenly Courts. 

The autobiography of  Mr. Victor M. Gresham proves proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that the God of the Bible is real. 

Mr. Victor M. Gresham took many felony risk for misdemeanor rewards and should be either incarcerated for the rest of his natural life,  addicted  to "Crack Cocaine,"  or residing at Inglewood Cemetary.

Only by the blessed grace and mercy of the God of the Bible is Mr. Victor M. Gresham alive to tell his story today.  Amen. 

"It Is What It Is."

From A Former Gangster's Perspective

A career criminal operating on the streets in any city ultimately only has three (3) rudimentary options to choose from. 

1. Life In Prison Without The Possibility Of Parole.

2. A Premature Death.

3. Retire From A Criminal Lifestyle And Become A Productive Citizen In Society Before #1 And #2 Happen.

Every career criminal that has ever been arrested, regardless of status, rank, or how weak or tough they were, has had the exact same overwhelming desire, goal, and / or mission and that was to be released and go home or escape by any means necessary!

King David best describes the mentality of each and every career criminal at the time of their sentencing when major prison time is about to be handed down to a career criminal for being found guilty of a Felony Charge (s):

"And David Said unto Gad, I am in a great strait. Let us fall now into the hands of the LORD, for His mercies are great; and let me not fall into the hand of man." 2 Samuel 24:14


The duty of humanity is "Crystal Clear" as indicated in the Holy Scriptures:

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep His Commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." Ecclesiastes 12:13

"For God shall bring every work into judgement, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether be evii." Ecclesiastes 12:14

FROM A GANGSTER'S PERSPECTIVE, embracing a criminal lifestyle or even trying to mimic a criminal lifestyle is a recipe for disaster not only for that person, but for their loved ones as well.  

Mr. Victor M. Gresham

God's "Gangsta" Child


The Autobiography Of Mr. Victor M. Gresham

God's Gangsta Child Volumes #1 And #2

"The God Of The Bible Will Change The Heart And Forgive Any Sin Of Any Person Switching From Evil To Righteousness."


My Only Son

The primary  inspiration for Mr. Gresham's Two (2) Part Autobiography Series originated from his desire to make his only son aware of the dangerous and deadly consequences of associating with the wrong people and making the wrong decisions.

Two (2) Part Autobiography Series  was also written to encourage the three (3) daughters of Mr. Gresham as well to make life decisions that would promote a prosperous life outcome for themselves and their future children.

Every parent knows Proverbs 22:6, "Train Up A Child In The Way He Should Go And When He Is Old He Will Not Depart from It."

The danger zone is between the time a child "Thinks" they are grown and the time that they actually get old, if the make it that far.

Mr. Gresham wrote his Autobiography in an attempt to encourage his son and three (3) daughters to take and make daily and life decisions extremely serious because their future quality of life  on this planet and in the life to come depend on the decisions that the make each and every day.    


A Life And Death Decision

Every decision we make in life has a consequence whether it be good or whether it be bad.

The object in life is to make right decisions, and that can only be done if the right information and options are available so that right decisions can be made.

There is a 100% mortality rate for humans.

The life we live now is simply a probationary period and when life ends and our last breath has been taken, It's judgment time.

Some will go on to live for all eternity at the judgement and some will cease to exist for all eternity.

If an ex-Gangsta from the notorious streets of South Central Los Angeles and Compton California could discover the reality of eternal life, so can you.

Get your copy of God's Gangsta Child  "A Character Witness Testifies On Behalf Of The Heavenly Courts" TODAY and find out the "REAL BIBLICAL" truth about heaven and hell for yourself.  

Not only does your life depend on the truth, but your family's as well. 


The Autobiography Of Mr. Victor M. Gresham 

Mr. Victor M. Gresham's autobiography  was not originally written for the general public edification.
The autobiography was primarily written to educate Mr. Gresham's son who is the youngest of four (4) children.
Mr. Gresham's remaining three (3) daughters would also benefit from the autobiography as they learned of the the perils of street life and unwise decisions that could lead to negative life altering situations.
Mr. Gresham also hoped that his autobiography would encourage each of his children to choose life partners who also were aware of the negative connotations of  pursuing street life and not gainful employment or a career.
Mr. Gresham now believes that his autobiography will help young people and adults alike appreciate and pursue a honest lifestyle. 
Volume #1
"God's Gangsta Child"


  • An Unparalleled Autobiography. 

  • A Up Close Look At Psychological Sexual Abuse.    A Firsthand Experience Of Breading Criminology. A Up Close And Personal Look A Drug Addiction.  A Clear Look At God's Protection And Wisdom.

Purchase Volume #1 Now
Volume #2
"God's Gangsta Child"


  • An Introduction To The Whole Truth About Life.  Undeniable Facts About The Undisputed Truth.    It Is What It Is From A Sane Gangsta's Perspective.

  •              The Truth Will Always Be The Truth.              A $100,000 Reward To Prove Otherwise. 

Purchase Volume #2 Now
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"God's Gangsta Child"


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